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    Our Core Functions
    Institutional Development
    Strong and Competent Regional Body for AML/CFT
    Capable of providing the requisite support to member States
    in order to assist them to develop strong capacity to counter Money Laundering
    and the Financing of Terrorism, within their respective jurisdictions and at the regional level.
    About GIABA
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    Our Core Functions
    Compliance Monitoring
    Monitor and assess member States
    To determine their level of compliance with acceptable
    International AML/CFT Standards.
    This involves the conduct of mutual evaluations and follow-up actions.
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    Our Core Functions
    Typologies and other Research
    Typologies are specialized type of studies
    Help to determine the techniques, methods, extent, pattern, trends,
    location and impact of ML and FT on Member States.
    Conventional research also constitutes a critical component of studies conducted by GIABA.
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    Our Core Functions
    Technical Support to Member States
    Provide support to Member States to create stronger and more effective
    and efficient AML/CFT structures and practices. This includes development of
    MS financial intelligence units (FIUs)
    and strengthening of other vital national AML/CFT agencies
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    Our Core Functions
    Regional and International
    Expand and reinforce cooperation within and between Member States,
    between Member States and GIABA, and with International partners in general.
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The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, was created on 28th May 1975 and currently comprises 15 member-states namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cote D’Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. The sub-regional body was created out of a desire to improve the lives of ....

Take a look at some of our work

GIABA conducts Mutual Evaluations of Member States in accordance with FATF standards and also in compliance with its enabling Statutes.
Typologies and Conventional research also constitutes a critical component of studies conducted by GIABA
which help to determine the techniques, methods, extent, pattern, trends, location and impact of ML and FT on Member States.


GIABA Community protected from the proceeds of illicit activity and the funding of terrorist activities

Technical Assistance

We facilitates the adoption and implementation by member jurisdictions of internationally accepted anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing measures (including the creation of Financial Intelligence Units);
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We protect the national economies and the financial and banking systems of signatory States against the proceeds of crime, and combat the financing of terrorism
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Institutional Development

We shall do everything possible to ensure that Member States recognize, adopt and implement the FATF norms including Recommendations, especially the Forty Recommendations adopted by the FATF members.
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